The C Curve
The C Curve
Thinking Outside the Box
Part 2 of our last conversation! We brainstorm ideas for creatives and business baddies to advance their careers. It’s important to constantly keep learning and exercising your artistic muscles! Also, add new daily habits to keep yourself healthy, present, and focused!
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Or use code: Blackdahlianails35
Curve @ccurve
Follow Kristin @black_dahlia_nails
Follow Erin @mangos_manis
Music: Royalty Free Music www.bensound.com
Are you a nail technician/artist/owner with a story to share? If so please reach out to our email at blackdahlianails@gmail.com
Welcome back to the Sea Curve Podcast. Oh my God. Welcome. No, like really welcome back cuz I know it's been a few weeks. It's, it has been a few weeks, guys. Has it been a few weeks? Oh, it's been a few weeks. I'm engaged. Yeah. I'm getting married. We have, holy crap. I'm not single woman anymore. I mean, I don't think I was single before, but like I'm, I'm officially, you know what I mean? Off the market now hardcore. Yeah. insane you guys. No. So the last few weeks have been incredibly busy cuz like, everything's been a blur. Kristen's been busy, so we just haven't had time to record in, literally like Thursday every week we're, I'm like, oh no, we literally don't have time. So, yeah. Now we're finally here. We're finally back. It's a little crazy. Sorry. Anybody who's a mom, they fully understand like may is kind of the time where everything starts to die down. And so it's hard to kind of mm-hmm. Get that conclusion for everything. There's obviously an engagement and parties to celebrate and also, yes. One more big thing is, um, yes, people have met her. If you have like, been a part of our story and from the beginning and we recorded together and, you heard us talk about her. So many times was our producer Brie, who was literally my angel lifesaver from the get-go. She's been wonderful for us. who now has a podcast? So let me just plug that in real quick. It's queen sized. Mm-hmm. If you haven't listened to it, you should. They're really, really funny. Her and her co-host are greats. You know, she's doing big things. She is going to school, she has a, you know, a job like anyways, all to say that she is, handing over the reins to us to continue this journey. Uh, she just her own journey and so that's been a big change as well and we're so proud of her. But we're also so emo and it's so funny you guys, cuz we've never met Bree in person. I know, and we're like so emo to loser, but I get to do her nails. It's been a wonderful, like in person two years Yeah. For me with her. So. Mm-hmm. if you're listening to this, Brie, we love you. We're so proud of you, you, and thank you for everything that you have done for us. So, that's been the transition too. Uh, so there's been a lot of like happy things. Jealously melancholy because I would love to keep Bree to myself forever, but I know that's not possible. Mm-hmm. so we're happy to be back with you guys. We're here. I missed you guys. and we were talk, so where we left off, like the two B continued, our last podcast that we did was like, where do we go from here? And it was a really, yeah, you know what? We got so many wonderful comments and people and I love that because you guys, I was, so, once we finished the recording and I got off the call with Kristen, yeah. I was so insecure, you guys, I was so nervous. I almost text texted Kristen probably five times saying, should we really post that? Cuz I was really worried to be that vulnerable with you guys and. I'm so glad I kind of avoided the Instagram, like our Instagram page for a little bit because, I was like really nervous at what people were gonna say, but you guys were so loving and sweet and like, I'm glad it resonated. Like, not glad you're going through it, but like glad it resonated cuz like we're not alone, you know? But, Yeah, that, that was a tough one for me. So coming back, like after a few weeks, I'm like, hi, do you still like me? Yeah. So it's like, it was really nice. It was nice. It was nice to hear from people being like, oh, like I'm right there right now. And it's like, mm-hmm. Cool. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, like we're all just in it together, which is what we wanted with this podcast anyway, so, and I feel like it helped too. Because you don't feel as crazy or like no lonely in it, you know? Like I, I mean I was losing it, you know? And so it was nice to be able to talk about it on here and then have people reach out and be so kind and like compare things together. Like, hey, this is exactly where I'm at. And like absolutely. So kinda helped I think, settle everybody's nerves with it. And it's a new month and a new journey, so. New month, new journey. We're getting ready for summer. Everybody's jobs are like picking up right now. I just know it. And we got those. Yeah. Rides and babies and graduations and parties. It is a busy time for us right now, so I hope everybody is kicking butt and taking breaks. Eat your lunch, drink your water, drink up coffee. Doesn't count. Coffee doesn't count. Yeah. I've like grabbed my emotional support Stanley Cup to drink the first sip of water all day. So this is kind of a part two, which I'm hoping maybe with a lot of people reaching out, being like, we're totally in this situation, that we are gonna talk through some things that we even talked about for ourselves. Mm-hmm. And what that looks like. Kind of, it's like out of the boxing game. So, I was talking to Erin about what are things that are like non nail related that you can do that will help support your business? Yeah, yeah. Like I, you take the nail classes and then like, that's about it. Right. I just today I just told Kristen, one of my clients is a, women's wellness coach. Mm-hmm. And, I just, I'm getting ready to sign up with her and she does like nutrition and like workouts and stuff to just get my body and mind better. And I think that's gonna help me be happier overall. And then it's gonna resonate into my work and into how I communicate with my clients and how I'm running my business. So that's like one of the things I'm doing right now, just to like feel better overall, but like, it just, it helps, you know, it helps you stay, have a positive mindset about things. Yeah. Yeah. I, if you follow my page, you've probably seen that I post every once in a while and, David and I, our hobby is like lifting. Like we really do enjoy that. But on top of that, I have to agree that I think being active in doing something in that aspect is really helpful in business. Like I find that I have more energy. I'm not as sore after like a really long day. Like I'll have some things, but it's definitely not to the same level of soreness I can handle. Mm-hmm. More in my day. And that is really helpful to not like, hurt after a long day. We have another long day, the next day. Right. And that pain is gonna stick with you like emotionally too. Mm-hmm. You're gonna like hang onto it. So like I've kind of learned over the last year, like kind of what my little triggers are. And it's really interesting because I could like ignore all these little triggers all day and then like the dog poops in the kitchen and I like lose my mind and it's like, okay, wait, where is this coming from? So being able to Really like be self-aware of little things and kind of like process through that really does help my next day. And like there's so much going on right now in my life, like with the engagement and like wedding planning and. The business getting a little busier and all these things. So I really have to catch myself and like, I don't think Zach knows he does it, but he kind of gives me this little, little look with like one, kind of eyebrow raise and I'm like, Ooh, I'm being a lot. And I kind of have to take a breath and like figure out where in the day I like went off the rails and didn't realize it because then otherwise if I don't do that, I had a day this week. I'm like, I literally don't wanna work today. Like, I don't even wanna be here. I'm not enjoying it. My client walked in like, hello, and I was like, okay, we're back. You know? So like I, your mental health is so important and you just have to kind of figure out what's gonna help you in the long run so you're not hanging on to these like, little trauma responses or like hanging on to like a physical pain. My arm, like my arm is like, On bad days, I'm like, nobody be around me. Yeah. And I'm just grumpy cuz you just, you're in pain. I like to think of the wise words from like, legally blonde. And where she says, exercising gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy and happy. People just don't shoot their husbands. Do you know what I mean? Like, we need, we need another sticker. Happy people just don't cut their client's finger. Yeah. Like, but she's right. Every time I work out, I feel good. I have that clip of the movie, like that plays in my head, but it's true. Right? It really puts you in a good mental space. And like you said before, like that's really important. I have. Mm-hmm. I had a new client this week who was driving to Oklahoma City to get her nails done. She liked the tech, so it was worth the, it's like an hour and a half. However, She had told me that her, nail tech started going through like real personal things and her work was showing it. So she was like, she's not even trying to build an apex anymore. She was like, my nails are flat. Like they break really easily where they used to last a lot longer. Like she's just not trying, she just like mentally isn't there when she's working anymore and I can tell. And I can see it in my, in like my nails. And if I'm driving an hour and a half, like I just can't be dealing with that. And I think that that's a valid criticism. Right. And it's also valid that the nail tech is going through those things, but it is like if you're going through those things, it's your job as the provider to kind of like reel it in at the door, figure out where you need help. Yep. And leave it at the door. But also like, Walk into the other door to go get help. Mm-hmm. Or whatever you're going through so your clients don't suffer in whatever way. Like, I mean, I, you know, four years ago, like I had, called off an engagement. I had had a miscarriage, like my life was spiraling. Yeah. And it very much showed in my work and how I kind of was around my clients and I really regret being in that space. Like it's actually kind of a place of shame for me, but I, you know, at the time, didn't have the tools to kind of figure out that I was even in that space. Mm-hmm. You know, like I was so unaware. But I knew that my work suffered because I could not go into that other space to get help. So we have to take the steps now, to kind of mitigate that before it gets bad. You know, like we have to be able to have those tools in our tool belt or in our drawer to be able to pull out when. We're feeling overwhelmed or stressed about something just in life or maybe we're stressed out about our job. You know, like for me, I love taking the dogs for a walk because all three of'em have now learned to walk cohesively. Cause they're just wild. But it, that is like a nice kind of reset for me. I've also learned the last few weeks because I've been on the phone with hundreds of people trying to wedding plan and like move and all these things. I told Zach tonight cuz he is like, what's wrong? You're not very talkative. I'm like, I just talk all day. Mm-hmm. And I just don't wanna be on the phone right now. And he's like, okay, I'll let you go. And I'm like, oh my God, thank you. But it took me five years to get running my business to figure out God. I really talk a lot all day. I'm talked out, but now I'm better at communicating that where I'm like, Hey, I can't manage anything else. I'm getting off the phone. I'll send you tos later. Like I figured out that like wa like binge watching tos you guys, Monday was my only day off. I sat on my couch for eight hours and watching. It's a cozy day. It was a cozy day. But that set me up for a really good week. Yeah. And sometimes you need that or like, I like. Doing my dishes at night, so when I wake up my, my kitchen is clean. You know, like it's little things like that that are so helpful to make me not be mental at work. Yeah. Like, but it's, it's little things. So like if working out doesn't work for you, like I used to be in a space where like, When my mom would be like, well go for a walk, it would trigger me and I'd just be grumpy. So like, if going for a walk, it doesn't work for you, don't do that. You know, like, I don't want you guys to feel like we're like, go work out. It'll make you feel better. Cause it can for some people, some people it doesn't and that's okay. But you know, go pet. Some dogs go, you know, read your book, do a self-care, go on a picnic. Like anything that's gonna help you feel more like you and more like a person and not just a nail tech and a service provider. Mm-hmm. Even if that's sitting on TikTok for eight hours on a Monday and not being productive, that's perfect. One of the things that I learned a few weeks ago, like, and it was one of those aha moments, like what you had, was I. Needed to add in a, workout class where I'm around other people. So I lift by my, yeah, I lift by myself, so I'm always in by myself. I really felt like I was missing something, right? Mm-hmm. So I went and took. Plank, which Erin, they have plank where you're at. Just a heads up in Omaha Plank. What is plank? It is basically, I love that you Googled this to like, you must do it because I hasn't, when for the app it specifically says Omaha, Tulsa, like, you know, whatever. And I was like, oh my God, it's us, our towns. So basically it's Pilates. It's if Pilates and bootcamp had like a baby, right? So, okay. When I Google it, it just says plank seafood and that sounds like a way better. P ln k Now, now plank means to be, to sponsor this. Yeah. So I'm, so it's really fun. However, it was like a group class, right? And when I was in it, I felt amazing and I figured it out and I told David this, and I'm gonna say it cuz I have a feeling that there may be somebody out there who fully understands this. I needed to be around people in a social setting where I wasn't in charge. So like, they also be around people where you don't have to talk. Listen, it's a community. Listen, but it's a muted community. Yes. Yes. Go. I told him. When at work, I'm in charge, right? Even if with the conversations being one-on-one, even if it's a friend, it's my job to make sure everything's in control, right? I come home, I'm the parent. So it's my job that everyone gets fed and taken care of and like all of these things, right? there's never a moment where I'm around people where I'm not having to work, like in control. It felt so good to be in like a group gym setting way around other people where somebody else was in charge of everyone else and I could just be there. I could just be present and I can't even tell you the burden that it lifted off of me. And I realized I need, I needed to be around people where I wasn't in charge. I could just be quiet. I love it like you said. Their website. This isn't your mom's Pilates, but it's a bunch of moms who go to this who are like your rich Lululemon moms. Let me just tell you. I love that. Well, yeah. Where it's located here that like in Omaha. Yeah, us too. Hundred third Pacific. It's like, yes. Weird brick side and it's like rich people. Yeah. Mm-hmm. But it's fun. That's so funny. And oh cool. It really kills you. Well, we have childcare. Cute. It is. It's like five bucks or something. For a class. That's wild. They even just a heads up if everybody's near plank. I have a client who actually works there, but what she does is she does a trade, so she checks people in for the class that she's taking. So she'll do the front desk for them. and then she checks everyone in for the class and then she takes the class and then she helps clean up after the class and she doesn't have to pay for the classes. How cool. I know. So they've got a little trade thing going on too. Hi, this is your nail mom. Christine coming out you with a quick advertisement break. Summer season is getting closer and closer, and I hope you are ready for warmer days, colder drinks and of course, bright and colorful nails. Whether you are a nail enthusiastic DIY or, or even a professional looking to add more colors to your summer selection. Madam glam has over 1800 gels and over 800 shades available and are launching new colors every month. Madame glam is a certified vegan gel Polish line with over 750 colors being Hema free. They are cruelty-free. They are 21 free Palm oil free and gluten-free. So, whatever your client is looking for. You can safely say that you have a line that is going to work with everyone. My favorite colors. This season is the king speech, Royal pink and surfing skate. They are offering our listeners 35% off of your order. Just click the link that is in our description. That link will take you directly to the website where the coupon code will automatically activate. And at checkout, you can choose pay as you go. If you do not want to choose to become a VIP member, although I highly recommend because you will get constant savings on all of your products. Or you can just go to the website and at checkout, put in the coupon code, black Dahlia nails, 35 to get 35% off your entire order. I cannot wait to see everybody's new summer nails. And if you need to add more colors, just know that Madam glams got you. Anyways. That's awesome. So, I have realized that there were pieces in my life that I needed to, like, you're right, like, it's almost like, it, it, it like relieves a weird stress. Like being over stimula. Well, I think, I think too, like, so in like my personal life, right? Like Zach is such a good partner. Like he's a very good listener. He. Is kind and loving and like great with the dogs, like all these things. But he also, like, I'm learning really hard, really fast that he simply is wired like a dude, like bad. So he, I am learning. I'm like, oh. I see that the dogs are wrestling and we need to separate them, but you just can't even, like, the wires aren't gonna like connect, right? So I like am starting to realize the weight that I hold on myself, like the expectation I put and I got to a point where I'm like, okay, you need to take the trash out. That's your one job I expect from you. Just take the trash out every time. I'm never gonna take the trash out. And the weight that it took off of me, like just daily was insane. I'm just like, okay, I need to communicate that better because I was running my whole business all day and he's like sitting on the couch like just relaxing, like, which is valid, that's fine. And I'm just like steaming cuz I'm like, well wait to put the dishes away and the dogs have to go out and I gotta take the trash and I gotta switch laundry and blah, blah blah. Like, and, and he's so great, but I'm just like, why aren't you thinking this? He's like, I'm not wired that way. And I'm like, I'm so mad, but that makes sense. Like because he is not doing it a malicious way, but I'm rewiring my brain to know that he is not doing that in a like toxic way. Yeah. Like he's not like doing weaponized incompetence. He's literally just like, he's still learning. Oh, I didn't know. Yeah. Yeah. But for me, I'm like, why wouldn't you know? Yeah. So like just trying to combat. in my head, the toxic that I was used to. Yeah. And now in a healthy relationship and being able to communicate it. And there's some days like I'll come home and he's like, what is wrong? And I'm like, I dunno. Like, and I'm just like, ready to blow. Yeah. And it's like, oh, it's because three days ago I was upset that you put the spoon in the sink and not the dishwasher. That's how, that's how you I'm holding on doing it. That's how you know you're tired when it's like, yeah, I know. I. Last night, I think I like sat outside his gorgeous night. You know, I'm sitting outside with the dogs, I'm thinking he's gonna come outside and sit with me. And I was sitting there for 20 minutes just like, like, okay. I come inside and he's like, oh, the ice cream is good. I just ate way too much ice cream. And I'm like, you've been sitting in here eating ice cream and I've been waiting for you outside, and I'm screaming this internally. And I'm like, okay. I'm glad you enjoyed your ice cream. And I never. Anything. Cause I'm like, this isn't a reason to be mad at him because I didn't tell him, will you please come sit outside with me? But those are things that like I have to work on. So I don't like stack up internally and then blow. Yes. You know, and like, so like for me that self-care I can do to help my business is to communicate better in my relationship. You know, like saying, no, I. The other night, what, like, was just at my limit, right? And the boys go to bed at eight 30, so I already put them to bed, and they have sometimes this bad habit of like five minutes later coming out of the bedroom. And like coming to be like, to be like, mom, I'm getting like water, whatever, blah, blah, blah. I was over it though. So like, the moment I got them like out of like in bed, I was already like, you know, I was done. I was like, I hadn't had anything to give like that kind of day. And so they came in and they come to talk to me and I was like, mom's done, mom's. I've clocked out. My job is done. It is eight 30. Life in the key side. I plucked out. Uh, you could ask me nothing. I am not your mom. There is no mom right now. I am Kristen. And they just like went back to bed. They're like, got it heard. That's so funny. I, so every week it's better than snapping. It is. That's true. It is crazy how busy, like, remember like we used to have so much time to talk and I, you guys, I feel like I haven't talked to Kristen in a month. Like legitimately I FaceTimed her when I got engaged, blacked out. Don't remember FaceTiming her and then like, we haven't really talked. I didn't know. So, so busy. So I like every week we have been so sneaking busy, which is great. Yeah. But like. I this morning, I'm like getting ready for my day. I'm frustrated cause I like, I booked myself too many days and I'm, you know, I'm like, okay, we're not gonna do that again. So, And every weekend we go to Zach's parents to play games like just like card games and have some drinks and hang out. And I always look forward to it, but also at the end of my week, I'm like, I don't wanna do anything. I'm so tired. Mm-hmm. So his parents are out of town this weekend. His sister and their neighbor, Ashley are still gonna go over there and have drinks and play games. And he goes, do you wanna go over there tomorrow? And I looked him dead in the eye go, no. And he's like, Oh, I'm like, Zach, I need to take in, like, I'm, I'm gonna blow. Like I just, work is crazy, which is so great, but I just need, I need to do nothing. But now it's like, okay, we're gonna have date night in, but we're also gonna start packing boxes. And I'm like, why are we like this? Like we just keep adding stuff to ourselves. Like I have a hard time saying, no, no is important though, because then you don't snap. No, it's so important. Maybe that's the thing, like adding, I mean even say no to clients. Right. I think I'm, I think I'm addicted to being stressed. I think in the past I worked so well stressed out, so now I'm like, oh, it's calm. Let's add something. Like last night I was held bent, uncon, convincing fact that we needed another dog. Wait, like what am I on? Is it that you f you feel like you do, like you want stress? Or is it that you feel guilty? Wait, feel guilty. Let about not doing something, and then you should be using your time. Let me read you the back of my work. Work phone, phone case. You don't have to be stressed or busy to be important. This is like, this is why I bought this phone case. Also, the dogs. I'm so sorry you guys. We can't even hear ww e Tapp on edition is honestly like, it's probably louder on your end. Oh, I can hear now. They are just, yeah. Frank is Frank's winning. He's like a Wookie. Mm-hmm. He, Zach says he has an accent when he barks. Like when I say targe tar chap, what are the other ones? Rails. Who does that? Nobody does Chapo. You guys we're gonna have a pool Chapo instead of Chipotle. Chap. You've never, sorry. It must be a Midwestern, I'm not a true Midwestern yet, apparently. Yeah. Get, get with it. I love, listen, this is what I love about our podcast. The last podcast we were sobbing, but I think this is the important. This one, we're off the rails. Okay, wait. Here. I'll get closer. I'll get closer. Hold on. I think now they're not gonna do it. Okay. So maybe like ki like super outside of the box, but I can totally see this being super helpful for people who maybe really struggle with this or just wanna get better or maybe want to really like, kind of like how I've talked about what I wanna do, where it's like hone in on like a style, um, is taking art classes. Yeah. Where like the teacher will like, push you on that. Yes. Like not a nail art class? No. Like art, art class. You know what's really fun, you guys, if you, so we have it in Omaha. I'm sure there other places have it where it's like a paint and sip like canvas night, like go on a date night or go with friends and just do that. I did that a few years ago and it inspired me to like be better at new art. But there's like, it's so fun. Little things that are very paralleled that you would also do with painting on nails. Mm-hmm. Yeah. There really is. Yeah, you would learn like different ways on how to like, break things down and be able to like, you know, do the different pieces and I think that that would be like really helpful. I also think that if people on the other end struggle with the business side, like the most community colleges offer night courses, especially in business. Oh yeah. Do a business class. A lot of, yeah. Doing a business class, it's like that meets up maybe every Monday, Wednesday or something for like 12 weeks. And learn how to like do your taxes or how to budget for a business or how to do, how to work yeah. Like other things, you know, just like, the, you know, I don't, the most unused thing that's like really readily available for people is community colleges and what they can offer to even just take classes and you don't have to pay for like the accredit. Like you don't need it to like transfer into like a college. So sometimes it's a little cheaper. If you're just taking the class, maybe I should take it through class. Am I now like inspired? Yeah. Frank, Frank told me to you guys, he spent the whole day at my friend's house. She has three dogs and four cats. He had the best day of his life and I don't know how he's awake. Also, Kristen's showing me his adorable little tiny, it's a na shade. I made him. Is it a normal? Yeah. Oh my God. I need him. Sorry. Rest in peace. He phone users. Good God. We are off the rails today, you guys. I know, but he's, look it, so this is what I do to, so buy a little crochet kit. Yeah. Like give a little nar kit. So this is, what are they called? It's a kit and they're called W Ws. Wobble. Wobble. W o o. And I did the NAS pink. I have, I still have it in my drawer from. 2020. I got those little diamond kits like where? Like the diamond. Oh yeah. I would love that. You could like zone out in just like I did that, I need to start doing that again because it wasn't, probably, wasn't great for my wrists that's what I think about puzzles. I think about this, I know I bought a ton of puzzles like a few years ago, like and need get those out cause like we're able to still like create, cuz we have creative brains, right. But it's not so like focused in on like the people pleasing and trying to run the business and like managing everything and like doing all those things. So it still gives our brain peace and like, A need with Yes, but it being for us, you are a thousand percent correct. And I wish I had said this earlier is that they do like, it is a thing to keep seeing, be creative in other ways and doing new things. One is really great for your brain, not even, so picking up hobbies is good, but new hobbies is specifically important that can actually fight against things like dementia. and so like constantly and learning new things. So learning new hobbies and traits for art will really work Your brain, and like I've always said before, being artistic, it's like a muscle that you have to keep working. Yes. Or you could get three pons to keep you busy and insane, and then you'll never feel like you're running out. You'll never feel like you have it together. Jess, I feel the same. Yeah, there, I mean there's so much that we can do to help our brains stay healthy. So, and just keep you motivated. And I think what's really important with being artistic is, getting comfortable with thinking outside the box. Mm-hmm. And whatever way that is for you to do. Yeah. Agree to look past the art. Agree. Now I'm starting to sound like some deep art professor, but like really it's, you know, PE people would ask all the time like, oh, how do you like, think things? Like, really think it up and it's like, I guess it takes time Yeah. To like get into that mode where I'm able to do that. Well, I think too, for me, it helps like I have my clients like send pictures like a few days beforehand and if they don't, it's okay, but a lot of them do. And it helps me kind of mentally prepare. Yeah. Instead of it getting just thrown at me, because I've had a few where it's just thrown at me and it's like, okay, let's go. And like, it's fine. But if it's out of my wheelhouse, I think it stresses me out. And then I like overthink it. You can see that. And then I'm like paranoid, you know? Yeah. Like super paranoid. But I like this. Just I do too. Oh God, I miss doing this. Now we have to think of our next topic. I know. Well, they come and people ask us, and so we know what to say. you know, I like, I, we do love doing the topics that you ask, like Yeah, please do. Yeah. So like, Please let us know what you want. Hear that, that helps our mental load when you help us come up with that. So you know what we do that like helps us in our business. Some weeks we're just like, we're not here. Kristen was I. Mm-hmm. Yeah, let us know. And we like talking about how you, what you guys wanna hear. Also, when it comes to this topic, like this is something that we also are going through. Like we're trying to find things that we can fit into our lives that's going to make our business excel in whatever way. Like those little details like that can ha like help, let us know. Maybe there are things that you're doing or just started or whatever that maybe aren't y'all nail related, but that you know or like have seen helps your business. Yeah. Because it'll help us. It'll help us. Yeah. And so we're, we, we are right on this journey with you guys, so I like that our podcast and having you guys talk with us, that it's like a conversation. Do you know what's so fun? Sorry, I just thought of this when we were talking about like, this will help us, this will help you. Mm-hmm. Um, I've been in my stories, like posting my before and afters and like the little time and three nail techs reached out and they're like, we're gonna start doing this. And like that helped them. Like, and it's like, so I started doing it and I've gotten like a ton more like bookings. I'm like, wow. Weird When I'm more active on my social media that people notice me. Mm-hmm But a few other nail texts started doing it and they said that they've gotten to see, and I'm like, oh, makes so happy. That's great. Yeah. Also always steal my stuff. I had somebody's like, is it OK to steal this? I'm like, for the love of God. Yes. Yeah. Anything you see, just take it please. We we're honored. Yes, yes. All right. Well this was fun and we're happy to go back during our freezing. I feel like we had a good, like. Catch up with everybody and like mm-hmm. A good topic. Cause it's been, yeah, it's been crazy. yeah. Yeah. I'm excited. Anyways, I think we're gonna end it here. Yeah. don't notice if our editing is bad. It's all Kristen's fault. Listen. Oh, loved. Well, there we go, cats all now. So, Brie, we're so freaking happy for you. We're, when Kristen told me I was so sad, I'm like, is this weird that we're sad about this? Cause we've never met her, but legitimately like he helped us so much and made like it's a huge part of the team content for us. Yeah. Ugh. Yeah. Yeah. We. A piece of the sea curve is missing without her, but I am. Oh my God. We are so proud of you for doing your own podcast. It's so kickass. That's so awesome. Well, Erin, where can they find you? at Mangoes underscore mans on Instagram. The beans. They can find it at the bean pod with two e on like, doesn't case anybody would The bean pod. Yeah. Yeah. Just in case anybody wanted to, and you can find me on Instagram at Black Dahlia Nails, black underscore Dahlia underscore nails, and you can find both of us and all of the funny things that we've been posting, at Sea Curve Podcast. It's a fun time. We have good jokes on there. We, we like to laugh it up sometimes. We're funny. we're funny. I think some people think we're funny. Some people comment, I hope so. They think we're funny. Very much. We're, we're kind of a big deal. No deal. I'm sorry. Alright. We're getting a little delusional. It's been a long day. We worked along with everybody else. I worked till like six 30 and like ran my butt out here. So yeah, she was late to our date, how I had the clients to fulfill. but yeah, we will see you guys next week. And have a great, awesome May so far. All right. See you later. Bye. Bye.